VladGor | Дата: Четверг, 10.11.2016, 16:54 | Сообщение # 1 |
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| В Ростовской области мы планируем в 2017 году протестировать следующие Линии Бакфаста
B158(Gor) = В158TR×А766JBB × В366MD×А143JBB B366(Gor) =(В366MD×А766JB ) ×В366MD × В158TR×А766JBB
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VladGor | Дата: Четверг, 22.12.2016, 09:51 | Сообщение # 2 |
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| Много линий Бакфаста описано здесь - Линии Бакфаст
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VladGor | Дата: Суббота, 21.01.2017, 10:21 | Сообщение # 3 |
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 268
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| Breeder 2016
Buckfast Danmark / Lango Island Original imports from the breeding program at Buckfast Abbey (before 1996) Lines Imported(DK) from LU, UK, DE, DK, SE since 1982- all acquired from : Karl Kehrle a.k.a. "Brother Adam" † 1996Buckfast Abbey UK
Adami 1977- K-2 xB-427, Creta(Import DE 77-K-2 x B-427)Discovered by Brother Adam. Early starter. Winterhard. L / XL family size.Some swarm tendency and heterosis (CD-F3) Mixed family/drone colorCluster queen cells. Not nice hiveorder. Race extinct, according RW (CY).Production above average. Dadant. Queen line.Adapted by FF (DE)
Anatoliaca 1962-A416 x B436: .SinopMajor gene bank, and carrier of the old Buckfast genes.Brother Adams' favorite and most stable drone / queen line.The most used drone / queen line at Buckfast Abbey and Scandinavian mating stations- when Brother Adam was in charge of Buckfast bee keeping.Commercial line. Generally very homogeneous in F1 even open mated.Many adaptions and commercial sublines in Germany, Scandinavia, USA, Canada, France, Belgium, Lithuania, etc. A416 - Imported sublines contained in my breeding program : 1. Import SE 78-B292 x B282Winterhard, low/no swarmingGarden bee. Small compact family, below average production.Droneprovider Lango¸ mating station 1990, 2015Adapted by PS,MB,NB,CD (DK) 2. Import DK 80-B265 x B129Tricky temper, little heterogeneous. Above average productionAdapted by HR,AG,CD (DK), droneprovider Lango¸ mating station 2009 3. Import SE 84-B387 x T301Dark Buckfast. Golden band drone. Average production.Adapted by CD (DK), droneprovider Lango¸ mating station 1997,1998, 2011 4. Import DK 85-D321 x B193Allrounder. Healthy brood and bee. Velvet robust brood sealing.Golden band drone. Average production.Droneprovider Lango¸ mating station 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2014Adapted by PT,CD (DK), 5. Import DK 86-B428 x B182No swarming. Robust compact brood sealing. Small family. Little Inbreed.Very homogeneous, Below average production. Dominant nice temper, and hive order.Common line (DK) No swarming.Droneprovider Lango¸ mating station 1999, 2004, 2010, 2012Adapted by ST,CD (DK),
Anatoliaca 1972-A25 x Bpool: .SinopImport DK 82-B135 x B132Clean frames, no propolis. Nice comb build. Allround nice hive order. Small/medium family.Average or below production. Earlier very commercial (DK).Drone provider Lango¸ mating station 1991, 1992, 2005, 2008Adapted by KB,PS,CD all DK
Anatoliaca 1973-A-15 x B233: . ChorumImport DE 84-A126 x T-301Tricky temper, dark brown Buckfast, above average production (CD-F2 still heterosis).Hygene below average . Queen line. Not commercial.Adapted by FF (DE)
Anatoliaca 1986-Sinop x B182: . SinopImport DK 87-A072 x SinopVery Buckfast. Allrounder. Small family. Nice hive order and homogeneous F1, even open mated.Golden band Buckfast drones. Average production. Commercial line.Droneprovider Langø mating station 2002, 2003Adapted by AG,CD (DK)
Armeniaca 1986-Ez x B182, ErzurumImport DE 88-EZ-1 x B137Early development. Mixed color on family. Little tricky temper. Flies in cold weather.Lighter Buckfast. Drone color mixed. Above average production (still heterosis CD-F2).Queen line. Not commercialAdapted by FF (DE)
Cecropia 1978-G104 x B-282. ,LongosImport DE 78-G104 x B-282Golden band drones. Above average production (CD-F2), low or no swarming. Very Healthy bee(hygene). Commercial line.Drone provider Lango¸ mating station 2013Adapted by FF (DE),
Macedonica 1981-T-A x B265: , AthosImport LU 81-T-A x B265Typically queen/drone line in LU, B, FR(CD-F4) Dominant nice temper and hiveorder, no/low swarming. Average production. .. Commercial line.Adapted by PJ (LU)
Monticola 1989-M02 x B123: ,Kenya,Import DE 98-M201 x B171Tricky temper, mixed color on family (heterosis CD-F2),Monticola has faster brood development and low Varroa. Below average production. Not commercial line. Queen line.Adapted by FF (DE) Origin N/A 1945-Bxx43 x Old Buckfast PoolOrigin N/A, (Pedigree missing in the years around World War II)(Import DE 69-B125 x B124)Eldest known Buckfast line, mixed with new import/combination in DE.Nice temper,little swarm tendency, average or above production (heterosis CD-F2): Mixed family/drone color. Queen line.Adapted by AH (DE)
Sahariensis 1985-Atlas xB193: .AtlasImport DK 86-S6 x B182Tricky temper. Vicious open mated, 2 feno: Medium / XL or larger, great wing power mid /late summer, "meat-bee", Dadant,Thick white honey comb sealing, beautiful comb build (comb honey sales), commercialline in EU. Average or above production.Sahariensis is sensitive to Chronic Paralysis Virus and has no commercial value (Brother Adam)Queen line only..Adapted by KB,CD According to my own research I believe that these original 11 lines are the last existing from the breeding program at Buckfast Abbey before 1996I am therefore very interested if you have knowledge of other original lines. Thank you in advance. Breeder 2016 With special thanks : Anders Glob (DK),Niels Bak Pedersen (DK), Poul Erik Sorensen (DK) † 2012, Per Traholt (DK),Keld Brandstrup (DK)Jorgen Bang(DK),Peter Stougaard (DK),Heinke Aumeier (DE),Franz & Klaus Fehrenbach (DE)Poul Jungels (LU) by the way of Jos&Anette Guth (LU), Karl Kehrle a.k.a Brother Adam (UK) Pedigree illustrated by :Jean-Marie Van DyckKarl Kehrle Foundation Thank you for visiting my hobby
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